How Men Lose Weight - Quick Helpful Weight Loss Tips


How do Men Lose Weight? We'll take a look at how diet advice changes for men versus women. Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry, and yet - one of the demographics that really doesn't get much attention is how men lose weight. Most people who go into weight loss programs end up disappointed with them, and more of the people who get disappointed with the results are men. This is because the primary demographic for weight loss programs are women, and women gain weight in different places and lose weight in different ways them men lose weight.

The fundamental process of losing weight is burning more calories than you're consuming. Yes, this is a diet program, but it's not a diet - it's a lifestyle change. To have weight loss, slow and steady is the key. Diets, on the other hand, try to have you shed pounds rapidly, usually in ways that are unhealthy. You lose the weight, you acclimate to whatever the diet was, and you gain it back.

Men lose weight by exercising more; the male body is built for doing weight and resistance training, and men retain a lot of strength no matter what their diet is. The aim here is to lose weight by increasing the energy you use and to build muscle mass and core body strength in the process. (These techniques work for women as well - they're the basics of any diet - but women tend to plateau in them earlier and to stop getting benefits from the exercise.)

That being said, exercises are only part of the equation; the other side is caloric restriction. Watch out for diets that restrict a type of food excessively - weight loss by restricting carbs, fats or protein work - and work fast - but the results don't last. Always try to get a nutritionally complete diet, with about 30% carbs, 30% fats and 40% protein.

Some quick tips for how men lose weight:

Alternate between core body exercises (crunches, lifting weights) with aerobic workouts. Aerobics build your cardiovascular system and are very good at burning calories; resistance training both builds muscle and encourages your body to release testosterone, which encourages muscle development, and raises your metabolic level, helping burn excess calories faster.

Caloric restriction needs to include fats; fat is what makes you sated after a meal. If you cut out all fats, you're going to be constantly hungry - you'll eat something and be hungry again in an hour. Eat a snack with high protein and a little fat (nut bar, granola bar, etc) about 30 minutes after your resistance training workout, and you'll be optimizing for how men lose weight. This also encourages your body to build muscle mass - or rather gives it the protein it needs to build muscle.

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