How to Lose Weight Quickly and Gain More Energy


If you are looking to lose weight quickly and gain more energy then read this article. You may have tried to crash diet and failed and you may have been left feeling disheartened and de-motivated. In this article you will learn how to lose weight quickly and also why crash diets don't work.

It is difficult for the body to suddenly change from being fed in one way, to being fed in a totally different way. This is exactly what happens when you start a crash diet. The body is expecting a certain amount of food for energy and if you suddenly change this, it starts to complain. Your body will immediately crave sugary starchy foods, if you suddenly take them away.

Crash diets never work. If you want to lose weight quickly, ironically, a slow and steady approach will work best. A rapid crash diet may seem like a good idea, but it will inevitably be too hard and you will be so de-motivated, that you wont complete it. You cannot starve your body of food for more than a couple of days. If you do, you may soon find that you will be right back where you started.

Energy needs and weight loss

The body needs food for energy and we all need a certain number of calories a day. Fat is the body's natural way of storing energy, for the situations when food is scare (which was useful when humans lived in caves and hunted and gathered). Most of us get far more calories than we need, so our body stores the excess calories as fat. In order to remove the fat, we have to reduce the number of calories we consume and increase the calories we use up. By doing this, the body will start to call upon its reserves of fat for energy and use them up. As the fat reserves are used up, our appearance changes and the bulges go away.

The way to reduce our calorie intake is two-fold. We must alter what we eat and how much we eat. If we begin taking in insufficient calories, the body will burn excess fat. The second way is to increase activity. If we increase activity the body burns more calories.

Each one of these methods will reduce fat. However it is important to apply BOTH methods, so the body does not adapt to these new levels. By doing applying both methods we definitely lose more weight and reduce our fat reserves quicker.

Introduce changes gradually

With dieting, small changes make a big difference. By just cutting down on high sugar food, drinks, snacks and take away food, out body will make immediate changes.

The best way to start is to swap out full fat products for their low-fat equivalents. Substitute low-fat milk for full fat milk. Substitute low-fat cheese for full fat cheese. These small changes will make a difference.

By starting to change your diet slowly like this, you are making changes for life. By permanently changing your diet, you will not only start to lose weight but you will keep it off forever. This doesn't mean you can never have snacks or fast food again, but if you save them for special occasions rather than having them every day, you will be well on the road to permanent weight loss.

Most of us Americans now lead sedentary lives where we drive everywhere and get no physical exercise. It's no wonder we are all so overweight. By making small changes in exercise you will boost your weight loss substantially. The added benefit is that your heart will get more exercise too, which means you are at less risk of future cardiac problems.

Do something like add a twenty-minute walk to your day. A small change as simple as this will mean you will lose weight. Try playing sports. If you were sporty in high school why not go back to your sport? Why not choose a new one? Not only will you lose weight, but also you will get the social interaction that leads to motivation which will help you to continue. Swimming is an excellent exercise for losing weight and gaining fitness. Aerobics is also something that will make the pounds drop off.

Reduce your calorie intake

For long-term benefit, you must change your eating habits. The small steps described above are the first changes. Remember to always make changes gradually. If you eat a lot of donuts, candy and fast food, it is never going to be possible to lose weight. You don't have to never have them but do save them for special occasions. Eating healthy now means your body continues to use up excess stores of fat and you will continue to lose weight until you find the size that is right for you.

Keep to a meal schedule

Don't cut out a meal to lose weight. It won't work. Cutting out a meal will make you crave food more and you will end up eating more not less. Skipping a meal now will mean you will be much hungrier in an hour. Why not follow this suggestion for eating: -

. Always eat breakfast

. Eat a healthy snack at 11

. Always eat lunch

. Eat a healthy snack at 3

. Eat Dinner

. Eat a healthy snack at 9

Slowly and steadily

Eating 300 to 500 calories less per day should lead to a loss of between one and two pounds per week. This is a realistic target. It may seem slow, but it would add up to a weight loss of more than three stone in a year. After a while, you will find that you will then lose weight quickly.

Remember to drink plenty of water. Get into the habit of drinking eighth glasses a day. Drink a glass of water before every meal and this will help you feel fuller.

If you want to lose weight in less than a year, go to lose weight quickly  now! If you are serious about your health and want to lose weight Click Here, help and advice is freely available.

I wish you all the best

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